Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Taking A Soul Rest

Life has been a whirl-wind of activity lately always.  After moving into a new home, closing-not closing-closing on the previous home, project deadlines, working a full time job, writing, taking care of family, and everything else that we do, I need to sit down!

I wanted to rest.  I wanted to just sit and revel in the nothingness of the moment when I was reminded by Daniel Laporte with a wonderful post she wrote.  She reminded me of sivasana or corpse pose.

In yoga, after you have finished with your session of deep stretches and breathing and sweating, you complete with sivasana or corpse pose.(Which is greatly needed I might add.)

This is the position I was in "off the mat".  Yoga is a practice where the lessons are taken "off the mat" and into life such as balance, strength, awareness of the moment etc. I was taking the practice of sivasana off the mat and into life.  I was in a neutral position and completely relaxed and my spirit was soothed. My stress was reduced and my body's healing process was supported.  I was non-doing.  That is what the essence of sivasana is.

I will not rush to the next project, I will not force myself into positions that my body is not yet ready to maintain.  Instead, I will ease myself into the next agenda and gently notice how I feel while I am there but until then, I will remain in corpse pose for as long as my soul requires it.