Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What, Me Worry?

There is song by Kanye West on his 808 and Heartbreak CD in which the song says "You're worried about the wrong thing." I connected with that song instantly because a lot of times in my life, I was worried about the wrong thing and that worry increased the very essence of what I was worrying about in my life.

So what is worry? Dictionary.com defines worry as verb:to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret or as a noun: a worried condition or feeling; uneasiness or anxiety.
a cause of uneasiness or anxiety; trouble.

For many years I was worried about not having enough money and I attracted into my experience the condition of not having enough money. Here is where the paradigm shift comes in. There is a very subtle difference between needing and wanting. Simply speaking, wanting is a focus on that which you want to experience, needing comes from a feeling of lack.

The book Law of Attraction by Jerry and Esther Hicks states it this way, "Focusing on a solution(wanting) makes you feel a positive emotion. Focusing on problem(worry) makes you feel negative emotion, and while the differences may be subtle, they are very important, for when you are feeling positive emotion, you are attracting into your experience that which you want. When you are feeling negative emotion, you are attracting into your experience that which you do not want.
So I ask the question, are you focused or worried?

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